


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

BRADLEY LOVES: The Great CON of Man: Part 2- Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order

The Great CON of Man: Part 2- Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order

Filed in Black Magic and Etymology by  on March 4, 2015

By Bradley Loves
A few hundred thousand years ago, Some Reptilian/Human hybrids, known as the Anunnaki, came to the Earth, and gave certain living human beings a special DNA upgrade!
Sadly, they lied to them. It was actually a downgrade, and a process which began to disconnect their natural connection to the Great Cosmic Intelligence. Far later on, after that Cosmic Connection was mostly lost, they then gave those severely limited humans the: Ancient Law of Contracts. A system that we on Earth still use today.
The real purpose of giving them the Law of Contracts was to create a “safety bypass” to get around Cosmic Law, and make certain they did not take a hit from the Universal Justice System for what they planned to do next to these severely disconnected humans!
Remember, NO ONE can take your FREEWILL from you…, you must give it up willingly, or those players who make the mistake of over-stepping Cosmic Law are in very deep doodoo with Prime Creator.
Thus, a device (the CONTRACT) is necessary to have in place, in order to both record and to facilitate all of the billions and trillions of “limits” and “bindings” that unsuspecting individuals are actually “consenting” to.
Real nice of those Anunnaki, eh?
These Reptilian/Human Hybrids, who were/are Ancient, have been around for millions of years, and they are Masters at MIND CONTROL! They are the “original” Black Magicians, who taught in the mystery schools the art of Dark Magic. As stated, their best magic tool is the “contract”, and it is being used to control all of the people on Earth to this very day.
Getting back to their Master Plan – Why would they absolutely HAVE TO HAVE the contract in place on the Earth? Well, you see, their goal was and is to ENSLAVE human beings for eternity, and to keep them both as slave laborers and pets, and finally, to use them as a food source. (Both physically and energetically).
However this “type” of plan is directly opposed to Cosmic Law. And, opposed to Prime Creator HIMSELF! If done incorrectly, it means PUNISHMENT of a kind that could barely be described. So then, what to do?
A long term plan was set up, ( a very long term plan ) in the thousands of years, that would first “disconnect” a small group of human souls from the Cosmic Intelligence. Then, they would be freely allowed to breed, and then finally, at the appropriate moment,  to either kill off, or buy off, any other humans living on the Earth who still had a sacred connection to the Cosmic Intelligence. The after result would be that ANY newly incarnating souls upon the Planet would HAVE to use the “discombobulated” human body to incarnate into, (because there were no others available). This type of body was both limited in its ability to connect to the higher frequency, and was also VERY susceptible to mind control. (Which the Anunnaki were quite good at).

Again, these guys were real fun to hang out with – I’m sure.
Adam, was actually the first man created who (by genetic Alteration) was able to survive the fully discombobulated human body, as opposed to the partially discombobulated human body, that the Atlantean’s were using.
His creators, the Reptilian/Human Hybrids, were quite fond of Adam and were glad that he had survived the process of disconnecting almost all of the DNA strands that made up the normal Universal Human form. Once his genetic Matrix was established, a mate was made for him using his own DNA and flesh.
Afterward, many hundreds more were made, and they all lived in the care of the Hybrids who, it just so happens, had a “god complex” and were quite looking forward to being worshipped and adored by their new pets.
Sadly, Adam’s mate (after speaking with one of the Genesis Scientists), a Hybrid named Enki, and whose symbol was the serpent, was told that they had been genetically created, and that their so-called gods were not really “gods” at all, (He felt sorry for the humans). She ran immediately to tell this to Adam, and soon the whole group was suddenly not “adoring” their Anunnaki creators any longer. (I mean, would you?)
So, all of the pets (now that they’re totally ruined) get banished by the main Reptile Hybrid named Enlil, and are forced out of what was most likely a very advanced civilization, and out into the cold, hard wilderness, to survive on their own. (Not very nice “gods” are they?)
According to Z. Sitchen, the city that they were banished from was named “E.din” (Sumerian spelling) , and was located at the bottom of current day Iraq.
This final genetic alteration to the current human body form was done AFTER the fall of Atlantis, sometime between 13,000 years ago, and the beginning of the Sumerian Civilization which started about 7,000 years ago. So this final (purely genetic) alteration probably occurred (I’m speculating here) between 9,500 BC to let’s say about 5,000 BC.
There had been many other genetic alterations done to Humans before, (some of they actually helpful), but none so profound, and none so debilitating as the final one.
Back to the MASTER PLAN of the Black Occult Magicians.
So then, IF they are/were truly going to Enslave the human race for eternity, (and manage to get away with it) they needed to do it very carefully, and at EVERY STEP of the process, must get the humans themselves to both ASK FOR, and CONSENT TO, their enslavement. (Thus, Prime Creator, can’t get involved) – (or so they thought).
HMMM, dastardly, I’ll grant you, but that does not sound simple to me.
I mean – who in their “right mind” would would consent to such a thing?
Fast Forward to the present, and look around. The Great CON of man is now in full swing.
If one looks closely, what dark and magical tools, do you see being used by those humans who are currently running the World?
Contract and Consent!
But the use of both contract and consent goes far deeper, and is far more subtle than most of you who are reading this could ever have guessed or even imagined. The level of enslavement (mostly still hidden) is both appalling and breathtaking in its scope. Few, if any, realize how they, themselves, are aiding and abetting in their own eternal enslavement, by helping the Dark Wizards.
To understand just where the enslavement of mankind stands, we first need to look at the Vatican, which is one faction of the New World Order.
I was raised in a Catholic tradition…, so let me tell you about the particular magic spells that little children are subjected to in that Church.
Baptism is a magic spell!  It is a Coven-ant. The word Coven, refers to witches and warlocks. They always group in Covens. A coven-ant therefore is an agreement one makes with a Coven.
This particular agreement [Covenant (contract) ], called Baptism, promises the Body, the Mind, and the Soul of a new born child to the Coven, by way of the “Consenting” agreement of the parents. See the three helpful Definitions below.
COVENANT [kuhv-uh-nuh nt]
1. an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.
2. Law. an incidental clause in such an agreement.
3. Ecclesiastical. a solemn agreement.
4. The “conditional promises” made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture.
5. Law. a formal agreement of legal validity, especially one under seal.
an early English form of action in suits involving sealed contracts.
COVEN [kuhv-uh n, koh-vuh n]
1. an assembly of witches, especially a group of thirteen.
1. a suffix forming adjectives and nouns (pleasant; constant; servant) and productive in English on this model; -ant, has the general sense of being “characterized by, or serving in the capacity of” that named by the stem.
So from the Dictionary Definitions above, the word covenant means:
” that which is characterized, or serving in the capacity of a coven “, and is ” an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons.”
So, then a Covenant, IS by definition of the word Covenant, AND, the words: Coven plus -ant, an agreement with a Coven.
Another magic spell. At 12, the age of speaking for one’s own self, the church must reaffirm its magical hold on your soul, or spirit, by re-gaining “Consent” – you have to ask for it – to their Coven. This must come from you personally, since your parents will soon not be able to speak for you. So, they “re-Confirm” the agreement ( contract) that your parents originally made, but this time, they get YOU to “consent” (contract), to the Coven personally. Thus, the word conformation, or (confirmation).
[What you’ve just done is “agree” to your own enslavement.]
HMMM, maybe it’s more simple than I earlier thought.
Now, for those of you who will rush to defend the “Church”, and may find fault with these definitions and say: “…these things described are ‘sacraments’, they are not ‘covenants’ “.
Okay then, for those people, kindly see this definition below. Skipping all of the purely “religious” and Dogmatic meanings of the word, and getting down to the basic meaning of it originally, we end up at the 6th level down definition which is:
sacrament [sak-ruh-muh nt]
1. Skipped
2. Skipped
3. Skipped
4. Skipped
5. Skipped
6. an oath; solemn pledge, or agreement.
Further more, if one gets into the origin of the word, one finds this.
1150-1200; Middle English < Medieval Latin: sacrāmentum – obligation, oath, Late Latin: mystery, rite, equivalent to Latin sacrā (re) to devote + -mentum -men
So, in this case, the word sacrament, originally meant: obligation (debt) or oath around the 1100’s AD, and only LATER changed to reflect the idea it was a mysterious, or religious rite!
Just to be perfectly clear, whether the operative device is a Sacrament, or a Covenant, these things are still “agreements” which are: CONTRACTS! And “why” would anyone NEED to make a contract with Prime Creator?
In Baptism (baph-o-met-ism)
The parents are the ones who promise the child’s soul over to the Church. Thus, they are promising the child’s eternal soul to a black magic Coven…(unknowingly) of course, which is why those “archon infected” reptiles and humans, (Annunaki and their minions), who are currently operating the worlds governmental systems, (and are skilled black magicians) can LEGALLY claim us as their property!
In this way, free will has not been thwarted, and Prime Creator (Source) can not get involved. WHY? You gave your consent to being enslaved through CONTRACT.
Now, I’m going to repeat this again. Maybe it will make more sense to you as we go along. These dastardly beings must…, they literally must, have your consent on record in order to DO ANYTHING to you. Period.
If you refuse to consent, (by using your FREEWILL) they are dead in the water, and they KNOW that!
If you’ve ever happened across any of the writings of Judge Dale, a retired Federal Court Judge, he states quite emphatically that ALL Judges get their Authority from the Vatican, not the USA Corporate Government.
Here is a link to his e-book, The Great American Adventure: click here
Judge Dale also states that the Vatican, through a treaty with Britain somewhere in the distant past, acquired all of Britons assets, and future holdings forever, which is why the USA Corporation, falls directly under Vatican control. This control, is naturally not overt, but quite secret and covert! Thus, the Vatican claims to own the whole Earth, and all the people living on it, which includes your bodies and minds, (things they see as tangible)
The only sticky part in their Master Plan of Human Enslavement, is how to get you to give over to them your SOUL. Which, without your agreement, they can’t get.
At the very top level, according to Judge Dale, all judges know that their power is magical, and that IF they overstep the boundary line even just a little bit, and do anything to you without your consent, Prime Creator would immediately have their neck in a sling.
Thus, Judge Dale says in his writings that no one EVER goes to jail without their consent obtained first. How that consent is gotten from you, is the both the dastardly trick and the spell!
(Part THREE – coming soon on How to Exit the Matrix)
Here is the Source of this material: 2012: What’s The Real Truth?
Link to Part 1: click HERE

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